Sunday, August 21, 2005

Spike Relaxes

Spike Relaxes
Originally uploaded by Rachel Pennington.

Man, it was a scorcher yesterday. Cain had to be at the football field at 2:30 so we dropped him off and then went on the mountain and golfed/took photos. We got back to the field about 5 and helped out w/getting everything ready for the first game of the season (the other two were just scrimmages). The game started at 7:30 and the rain started at 7:35. :D You can read yesterday's blog for the rest of that story.

Today we've been nothing but lazy bums. Hubby washed my car (after which another storm came through) and I cooked breakfast, washed clothes, washed dishes, and cooked out on the grill. I also took a nap. It was great. :) We didn't get home 'til right about midnight last night and then we stayed up until 2 watching television.

Honestly, I love these storms every day. I'm SO sick of the summer heat. C'mon fall!

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