Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Today I spent a lot of the day outside in my back yard. Sad, really, considering I'm usually always out there. It has been so miserably hot though that you can't even stand to be out there. I live in Georgia, as most of you know, and the south has been having some ridiculously hot weather.

Anyway, I sure enjoyed my time outside. I watched my birds and played with the dogs. I cleaned up some limbs and read a little bit. I think the next few days are going to be nice and cool ("cool" being in the lower 90's). Let's sure hope so!

I took this photo of River today. I can't get a good photo of her because she's always up under my rump. :) I can't get away from her for two seconds to get a photo. Love her though. LOVE her.

Hope your day was a beautiful one. :)

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