Thursday, September 22, 2011

Last Day of Summer! Yay!

Cain, reeling in his Daddy. ;)

Ah, summer, I'm so happy to be rid of you. I love you because you bring butterflies and lots of flowers, but we both know you're not my favorite. Never have been. I DO love you, and I'm thankful for you, but you're #4 on the list of my favorite seasons. Sorry.

Last night I had a horrible episode because of my stupid hiatal hernia. Normally the pain only lasts for 3 hours at most. But last night it lasted for several hours. It was awful, and we will just leave it at that, but I still feel yucky today.

I didn't go to my workout class this morning because I was still all yucky. My tummy was still all wonky when I got up so after it FINALLY settled I went outside and raked for two or three hours. (If you've read my blog for a while, you know I love to rake). Anyway, it made me feel better about not going to my class, but I still wish I could've gone.

It has rained on and off all day, and I can hear thunder rumbling in the distance. The sky is dark with beautiful black clouds. I wish it would come a nice, big storm.

Night, buddies!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Night Mary Ellen! I didn't realize it was the last day of summer until a little while ago. Yay!!!! I'm so ready for fall!