Thursday, December 13, 2012

Shooting Stars

I'm pretty sure this female Northern Cardinal was smiling at me. Pretty sure. Don't you think? She's sitting there all "I know I'm pretty, so let me pose."

Or maybe I read too much into my birds.

After Date Night (I cap it because it's just that important) my honey and I got home and sat on our back deck, where we like to have froze. It was worth it. We saw 20+ shooting stars in 20 minutes. I lost count. Each one that fell had me gasping and oohing and aahing loudly. Sweet Cheeks wasn't sure why each one thrilled me as much as the first, but they ALL were like the first. I was so thankful it wasn't rainy here. It was a great night.

Some stuff:

1) My mom had exploratory surgery on her tummy and stuff today. I thought the surgery was next week so I wasn't there. Made me feel horrible. Y'all keep her in your prayers that all is well, please. :)

2) We've only been back to our hometown for three months and my favorite local restaurant is shutting its doors. I'm totally bummed about that.  Bye, Square Meal, you are gone too soon.

3) THIS house will not be crammed with paperwork in every extra nook and cranny (and then some). Where do you find space? How do you store paperwork that you must keep? I am SO over trying to figure out what to do with it all.

4) I've been crying on and off because there's a dog up the road with no house. It sits/sleeps/stays on the ground in this cold and in the rain and I can't take it anymore. I'm going to go buy it a doghouse and pray (literally) that these people accept it for their pet and don't think I'm some big jerk.

5) When my neighbor calls her cat she sounds like a witch. Not that I've ever heard a witch, but if I did, I'm sure that's what one would sound like.  I think I've mentioned it before, but you know the scene in Blair Witch Project where Heather, Josh, & Mike are talking to the lady in the trailer park? Remember that lady's voice? That's what my neighbor sounds like. Scares the bejeepers right on out of me.

6) I know it's "bejeebers" but I prefer to say "bejeepers." And so I'm gonna.

7) I have all three Glee Christmas CD's and I love them. I'm not ashamed of admitting it either. See? (Seriously, those "kids" can sing.)

8) I'm pretty sure you all know how much I love Michael Buble. Ever heard him sing Ave Maria? No? Here you go (you're welcome): Seriously. You're welcome.


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