Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Well, I guess this is what I get for not taking Jack with me on my walk today.  This is one of my Justin cowboy boots. Both were chewed. And you can only see the minimal damage here. There's more that you can't see. $90. Chewed. My favorite shoes in the whole wide world. :( He also tore up a whole box of Kleenex and grabbed some of the garbage and slung it all over. UGH!

I had a great walk and workout today.  I'm getting frustrated because I'm stuck on the same weight that I've been for a couple of weeks now. It's very, very frustrating.

I AM doing great on my runs though. :)


1 comment:

Val Ewing said...

You plateau after a while right? AND think of it this way.
You have lost weight.
You have gained muscle.

Muscle weighs more than fat or flab, or whatever you want to call it.

So the weight may be lose of the bad stuff and gaining of muscle!