Sunday, October 13, 2013


Marshall spent some time over at his parents this morning (he was going hunting with his Dad but his Dad didn't feel like it) so I took the alone time I had and read a few books that I'm trying to catch up on.

As you know I'm reading the Little House series (again) but I'm also reading a new book, "Chickens In The Road," by Suzanne McMinn. A friend directed me to Suzanne's blog a while back and I'm just in love with everything about her writing. Have yourself a little looksee. CLICK HERE to view "Chickens In The Road."

The Walking Dead had an excellent season premiere, didn't it? It was pretty gory (even for them) but I just turn away during the yucky yucks.

Have I told you that I'm addicted to Chiclets? I need an intervention.


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