Sunday, January 05, 2014

Church From Home

Marshall's truck is in the shop and won't be ready until tomorrow. Since he has my car I had to just have my own little church service here at the house. :)

The weather is supposed to be horrible here the next couple of days. We're getting something called a "polar vortex" and our weather is going to drop down below zero. Normally I would love that but I can't stop thinking about all the poor animals out there in it (as you've already heard me say).

A friend of mine lives near St. Louis and the City of St. Louis issued a statement that said that animals that are left outside will be confiscated. I think that rocks. I wish all places would do that.

Conversation similar to those I have with my hubby:

Me: The moon is round.
Him: Not necessarily.
Me: That fire truck is red.
Him: Not really.
Me: Dogs bark.
Him: No, I don't think so.

I hope Marshall survives this storm. So far it's not looking good for him. Captain Contradiction may be sleeping on the porch.

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