Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Trumpet Flower

Trumpet Flower
Originally uploaded by
Rachel Pennington.

Well, luckily Katrina was uneventful for us here at the house. There was several places all around us that lost trees and Cain did not have school today because the little town it's in got hit pretty good.

While watching CNN today I could just feel my heart drop. Those poor, poor people who had been through so many close-calls by hurricanes that cried wolf, they never bothered to leave for this storm. Most of them apparently drown. It's horrible. :(

We lived in Jackson, Mississippi for seven years. Cain was born there. It seems as though Jackson was hit pretty hard, too. I hope Marshall's old co-workers are doing well.


Anonymous said...

Been wondering how you've been and if Katrina hit near you. Glad to hear that you are okay. I feel sorry for those people too. They've lost everything. One of Dan's buddy that he plays World of Warcraft online with is from down in there somewhere. Dan hasn't heard anything from him. Hope you get to feeling better soon.

Anonymous said...

oops! Forgot to tell you, love the new look.