Friday, December 02, 2005

It's a CHRISTMAS tree!

THIS is a CHRISTMAS tree, not a holiday tree, it's a CHRISTMAS tree. I'm so sick to death of people who feel the need to be "politically correct" about every-freakin-thing. While I believe that those people who feel the need to call it a holiday tree have the right to practice whatever religion--or not--that they prefer, they better back on off and leave Christianity alone. How about showing Christians some "political correctness"?

Everything has had to be changed to suit this person or that person and I'm tired of it. I don't care whatsoever if that makes me sound like white, redneck trash. :) Here's the thing: I respect other people's choices as to whether or not they believe the same way I do, or if they don't believe anything at all. I still PRAY for those people, but I'm not going to be all up in their faces about becoming a Christian and how they are wrong if they're not saved.

But still, all in all it IS a CHRISTMAS tree. So there.


Anonymous said...

It also really annoys the heck out of me that people rant and rave that we are intolerant of other religions and races. Are they not being intolerant towards us?!? Why should we continuely bend over backwards to appease them when they cannot budge an inch? If every one truly has a freedom of speech, then allow me to voice mine!
And You're right, it is a CHRISTMAS tree...and a darn pretty one at that :)

Dawnia said...

Ditto on the loving you dearly my friend, but I gotta say your blog is a perfect example of my general problem with most Christians. I'm gonna break down your blog. Sorry to offend, but isn't this why we blog? To express our lives and views and passions to others?

THIS is a CHRISTMAS tree, not a holiday tree, it's a CHRISTMAS tree. I'm so sick to death of people who feel the need to be "politically correct" about every-freakin-thing.

You are annoyed with folks being politically correct about every freakin thing but think about it this way... Say you lived in a country (or state) where Christianity was the minority and not the majority as it is here. Say you are a Christian in a place were most folks were Muslim. They bow and pray to Mecca. What if it were assumed that you did too? THAT is what it is like to be a non-Christian. Everyone assumes that we worship and celebrate Christmas. It's damned annoying. So when it comes to the belief's of others, I believe some political correctness is appropriate. It annoys me slightly when a clerk in a store wishes me Merry Christmas. What if I celebrate Hannakuh? Or Kwanza? Or the Winter Solstice? Or in my case, I just celebrate New Year's. By calling it a holiday it is enclusive, not excluding.

While I believe that those people who feel the need to call it a holiday tree have the right to practice whatever religion--or not--that they prefer, they better back on off and leave Christianity alone.

That is the most unaccepting statement of others beliefs I've ever heard. It makes me very sad.

How about showing Christians some "political correctness"?

In this current government, Christians alone seem to be shown political correctness. Christian beliefs are shooved down my throat at every turn. Plastered on every store front, inserted into my child at school. Everywhere.

Everything has had to be changed to suit this person or that person and I'm tired of it. I don't care whatsoever if that makes me sound like white, redneck trash. :) Here's the thing: I respect other people's choices as to whether or not they believe the same way I do, or if they don't believe anything at all.

Everything doesn't have to be changed to suit everybody. You can't please all of the people all of the time, but that doesn't mean that folks should be excluded. It's segragation, really. It's like saying line up the Christians over here, the Jews here, the Pagans here and the African-American's here. Why not include them all?

I still PRAY for those people, but I'm not going to be all up in their faces about becoming a Christian and how they are wrong if they're not saved.

They are wrong if they are not saved? I may be wrong here, but isn't a Christian's job not to judge others. Judge not lest ye be judged yourself (quoting it wrong I'm sure. Another on of my personal favorites is Romans 2

1You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things.

Who said that? According to the bible, God said that.

I think the world of you and I believe you are a good person. You pray for those of us who are not saved. If that makes you feel better about you than I see nothing wrong with that. I'll do my own version of praying for you in return.

And the tree... it was adopted by Christians, but originally was a pagan symbol. The evergreen represented eternal life. It was adopted by Christians to represent the Trinity. I enjoy some aspects of this time of year. I like to give gifts. I like the food and the time to spend with friends and family. I like some of the decorations. I think a tree with clear lights is pretty. I enjoy the smells. But I don't have to be a Christian to enjoy these things.

Thank you for adding to the long list of confirmations I already have about why I want nothing to do with Christianity and for reinforcing my belief that the majority of Christians I know don't practice what they preach.

I do hope we are still friends and that we can agree to disagree.

With tons of love,


rachelpennington said...

I'm not ignoring your posts but will get back to them when I'm not medicated. :( Apparently I have kidney stones, which is weird since it's my stomach that's hurting. :( Either way, I am on hydrocodone so pretty much I'm out of my gourd.

One thing though that I saw as I scanned through...well, actually two things: first, I knew as I was typing this that both of you would respond, and secondly, I wasn't jusding anyone when I said, "I still PRAY for those people, but I'm not going to be all up in their faces about becoming a Christian and how they are wrong if they're not saved." I guess I worded that wrong, because I'm saying that I DON'T say that they are wrong. That's between them and God. Doesn't that make me a bad Christian (as far as Christianity goes) to NOT be on people to give their lives to God? I've told Eric for years that I'm not the best Christian I know, simply for the fact that I'm not educated in all things Biblical, or religion, or anything like that at all. I don't discuss religion with people because I don't know enough about it to do such.

My only problem here is, is that I'm sick of everywhere I turn I hear people changing this, or changing that, and I'm sick of it. It's a Christmas tree. If you don't like it, get over it. People who aren't Christians don't need to worry about it because they don't celebrate Christ's birth anyway, so why in the world does it offend them that Christians call the Christmas tree exactly that?

And Dawnia, my arguement was about the Christmas tree. Not about "Happy Holidays" or any of that; just about the Christmas tree. If you want to say Happy Holidays, have at it. I'm not an idiot. I DO realize that not everyone celebrates Christmas.

And I'm not really sure what THIS means: "and for reinforcing my belief that the majority of Christians I know don't practice what they preach." What am I preaching but not practicing? I'm not preaching anything. I just think the Christmas tree should be called a Christmast tree; not a holiday tree. That's ridiculous.

Anyway, I was just stating my views since it's my blog. Feel free to comment all you want. :)

Elizabeth said...

Thumbs up to you Rachel! I'm not a Christian and don't go to church like I should, but I do believe in God. I guess you could say this is why I have the blues this year about Christmas(along with losing my aunt). This season has gotten so out of hand and materialistic. I give a gift because I enjoy giving and the person I give it to isn't satisfied with it. A simple thank you would've sufficed. I have certain people telling me what I can and cannot watch on tv, listen to on the radio, etc. Our county was founded on Christian beliefs. Things that have been unchanged for years are now suddenly being changed simple because it offends someone. Well all those people that want to change those things offend me, but I don't tell them they need to go away. I just simply shrug my shoulders at them and go on about my business. It would be nice if those people would do the same. Sometimes I wonder what our founding forefathers would think of this country now if they could see it. So I'll end my comment with a Merry Christmas and God bless everyone!