Saturday, December 03, 2005

Not Feeling Well

I'm going to hurry and type this before my medication kicks in, but I just got back from the after-hours clinic in town. I started hurting Thursday when I'd cough, yawn, sneeze, or basically just breathe in deep. Last night though the pain woke me up. It was better for a little bit when I woke up and Cain and I even rode to Fort Payne with Marshall while he did a job down there. We went to eat and as soon as I sat down to eat the pain got worse and didn't let up at all. I came home and tried to lay down for a bit but that didn't help. Luckily we have this little clinic that's not an ER, and just charges a regular copay.

Anyway, the doctor said he's not really sure what's causing my pain. He thinks it's kidney stones, however I'm not hurting where it would hurt if it were kidney stones (everyone knows how those come out). I'm hurting under my left rib cage and sort of to the side. Anyway, he gave me some hydrocodone and it's been just a little over an hour and the pain is still there. I'm feeling kind of loopy but the pain is there. It's really strange. I've never had a pain that wouldn't go away after a bit. Well, that doesn't include my hubby. (ba-domp-bomp!) <--that's my drum roll. ;)

Pray for me. This doesn't feel good. :(

1 comment:

Dawnia said...

Hope you feel better chickie. Hydrocodone? Isn't that really strong? You'll be seeing little tweetie birds floating round your head before you know it! Have your camera ready :)