Saturday, September 30, 2006

I'm An Idiot

Want some funnel cake? I wish I liked it but it just doesn't do anything for me--thank goodness. I took this today at the Rock Spring Show and Sell. It is the first fall festival I've been to this year. I always enjoy going and looking at all the stuff they have.

Oh, and speaking of funnel cakes, last night at the football game they were making fried OREOS! Fried! Oreos! The outer part looked sort of like this funnel cake. I didn't like it at all (had one little taste) and neither did my aunt. Marshall, my uncle, and my cousin Jamie all seemed to enjoy theirs though. *gag*

Well, I haven't backed up any of my photos or files or emails in about two weeks and last night I paid the price for being so careless. :( I came home from the football game to load my photos and my computer crashed. It crashed like something I've never experienced before either. I'm pretty computer-savvy, or I used to be anyway, but there was NOTHING I could do to get it to work and I tried for most of the night and into the early morning. It wouldn't even load into Safe Mode. So, as much as I hated to, I had to erase my harddrive (which is something I normally enjoy--I'm a geek). I lost who KNOWS how many photos, some files, lots of emails, etc. My heart was broken. I don't even want to think about it too much. :( I should've been backing up my files, because I normally do, so I don't know WHY I didn't. :( Make sure you do that, everyone, no matter how safe you think you are.

Cain had a great game last night. He had two carries for 72 yards. He scored a touchdown on a 65-yard run. The boys played great. We won 50-7. It was a great night for football, too. I even had hot chocolate. :) It was plum chilly out there! I loved it.

Today when Marshall and I got home from the Show & Sell we worked out in the yard. I used the push-mower and he used the riding mower and we got the yard finished in no time. Cain mowed part of it, too. We got the puppies out and let them romp around for a little while and they are SO stinkin' cute. I hate that it's time to get rid of them. Well, I don't really, but I'll miss them. :)

As I mentioned before, my aunt, uncle, and cousin came down to watch Cain play last night. It was great to see them. My aunt and uncle come to a lot of Cain's games but Jamie, my cousin, hasn't been to any this year. It sure did thrill Cain to see Jamie there. :) They are all going to the Keys in a couple of weeks. I'm so envious. I would love to go with them. I know they are going to have a blast. :)

Today's Saturday Photo Hunt theme is "Comfy" and I found my eldest kitty, Neak Neak, in her favorite napping spot. She loves this chair. The evening light comes in from the window to the right and she knows where the warmest spots in the house are. I wish I could curl up like this and take a long nap. :)


Southernwoman said...

(((Rach))) I'm sorry you lost your photos......stupid computers!

(Heh! A real word in the verification section!! It's "jazzy". That rarely happens.)

Deb @ Sugarfused said...

Oh gosh! I'm so sorry about your lost photos! I was just reading about backing up pictures...I need to do that myself or one of these days it's going to be me crying :(

Sweet kitty picture!
Have a great Sunday, Rachel!

Anonymous said...

So like do you have to wipe your hard drive with like um,,,,, toilet paper???