Friday, September 29, 2006

I Got A Job!

I have a job! Yay! The girls at the newspaper called me and said that our office manager, the one who I filled in for earlier this year, is going to be doing another job within the company and asked me if I would take her job. Of COURSE I said yes! Yay! I'm so excited. I just can't believe it. It's a job that I know how to do, that I'm comfortable with, AND it's right here in my town. How cool is that?! I'll be so happy to have a steady paycheck coming in again. :) I start on Monday. I'm so excited. Can you tell?

We have a football game tonight and I don't believe it's going to get above 70 degrees today. I just love it! It's going to feel great out there.

Well, I'm going to feed my puppies. Have a great day!

What is your favorite herb or spice? Garlic. That counts, right? Mmmmm...

Name a song you like but haven't heard in a long time. Don't laugh, but I'd love to hear "Wicked Game" by Chris Issak. His voice is like buttah in that song.

If you were to take just one minute to write down as many things as you can think of that you need (not want) to do, approximately how many things would there be? About 15.

Main Course
Tell something interesting about one of your family members (nothing scandalous, please, just something unique). If you're from the south you've probably heard of Rock City Gardens (or just "Rock City") on Lookout Mountain. My Dad was the art director there when I was growing up and he helped to make all of the little gnomes and critters you'll see in Mother Goose Village and all throughout Rock City. :)

What's the latest you've ever stayed awake? I've stayed awake all night. I think everyone has at some point.


jen said...

Tim mentioned this to me last night. He was very excited for you (and himself) and I am too!

O' Tim said...

But now that I read your blog, I am incredulous that in all your gushing you did not mention your awesome co-workers. *sniff*

But now I have invented a Rachel dance (well it's more of a jig).


Southernwoman said...

Hoorah!!!! Congrats!!! I've very, very, very, VERY happy for you!!!

I want to see Tim's dance. :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!! Now find me a job??? lol...I keep getting 'no' thank you letters.
And I DO take showers and stuff.