Thursday, August 20, 2009

Honey and I ran several errands today. We also rode to Tiftonia to the Wal-Mart over there. Supposedly it's the world's largest so we figured they had more camping gear than most other stores. We were right. :D We may need Camper's Anon or something after all this is over with. ;)

We had lunch with our buddy Kandi and then drove home through Trenton. It rained on us most of the way home. It was great.

We rode up to Kandi's studio tonight to do some work but her BIL couldn't make it so we weren't able to do anything (he has all the tools). We ate supper in St. Elmo and on our way home we saw one of the most spectacular lightning shows I've ever seen.

The lightning stayed in the sky and shot out in streaks all over the place, as opposed to one bolt hitting the ground. It was amazing. I tried to catch it on video with my iPhone but I was too late. :( But, here's a bit of the lightning:

And thunder (and Brooke and our cat, Hobbes, neither of which knew how to keep quiet):

I sure enjoyed watching the storm. It was scary to drive through, but beautiful to see. :)

Good night.

1 comment:

O' Tim said...

I'm kind of partial to REI, but the Bass Pro Shops store in Lawrenceville is a mindfreak (not that I'm trying to feed your addiction or anything).