Monday, July 11, 2011


Day 2 of major cleaning started this morning. Brooke is back home from Florida so she helped out & we started on my bedroom. I will admit that I have a little bit of hoarding tendencies so she is a great help to me. :) Tomorrow after gym class we will start in my son's old bedroom, and that room is going to take us a while to finish. I'm ready to tackle it though.

I didn't sleep a wink last night. Okay, well maybe a wink... I hope tonight is better. I'm going to the doctor tomorrow so hopefully he can give me some ideas on how to get a better night's rest.

Our neighbor bought Brooke an electric skillet as a wedding gift. Brooke and I went and visited with her this afternoon and stayed for an hour talking to her. To say that we adore her would be an understatement. She is elderly and has had two strokes, and lost her husband a couple of years ago. She still talks about how much she loved him and how precious he was to her. I absolutely love listening to her talk about her love for him. She misses him so much and I know how lonely she must be for him. Anyway, it sure is a blessing to have her as a neighbor.

Have a great night. :)

1 comment:

Val Ewing said...

If you really get in the mood to clean, I have a house that needs it!

And lots of chores to do to help you sleep and relax!

Seriously, I hope you get the rest you need.