Monday, July 25, 2011

Going Down

Here's a really horrible picture of me with my daughter as we make our way down to the bottom of the canyon at Cloudland Canyon State Park. There are 558 steps going down, plus natural trails, so that's 1,116 steps coming back up. Oh, what fun!

We had a blast but even though I've been working out a lot I still bet I'll be sore tomorrow. Worth it though, we had a great time.

Brooke is staying up here with me tonight and it came quite a thunderstorm. It was very peaceful and maybe a little scary. :)



Val Ewing said...

That's not horrible!
Lucky you to be able to spend so much time with your daughter!

You both look like you are having a good time!

Shannan Martin said...

I'm super impressed! My legs ache just thinking about it.