Saturday, February 02, 2013

Jamey Johnson...& Snow!

The Jamey Johnson concert was amazing, as per usual. He and his band are amazing musicians and I could spend all night (and then some) listening to them play and sing. Jamey is unusual (to me) in that he sings throughout the WHOLE concert. There is no stopping to engage the audience. He's there to play and sing and that's what he does. And he does it perfectly.

The snow came down all day long today. It was absolutely beautiful, even though it soaked us quite nicely and we had to get ready twice for the concert because of it. This was how it was coming down as we walked across the street to the casino (where the concert was held) from our hotel:

Isn't it so pretty? We don't get to see a lot of snow so we were thrilled.

Today was perfect. Hope your day was, too.

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