Wednesday, August 31, 2005

What a Day

Originally uploaded by Rachel Pennington.

Let me just start by saying that I had good intentions. I went out in the yard today to collect all the branches, limbs, twigs, etc. that Hurricane Katrina left in her wake, and as I started collecting them I kept noticing all the pretty lichens and other fungi on the limbs that had fallen. I went in and got my camera and the limb removal ceased. :D Oh well...they'll still be there tomorrow.

My Scoot (Brooke) is coming home this weekend. Unfortunately gas will probably be about $4 a gallon, which is just INSANE. It doesn't matter though, because if she doesn't come home this weekend she won't be able to come home for a few more weekends and there's no way I can handle not seeing her for that much longer. Hopefully traffic won't be so bad and she'll be home in time to see Touk play ball Friday night. He'll be excited to know she's there.

1 comment:

rachelpennington said...

We can still complain about gas prices. Something NEEDS to be done about this whole situation. We look like some third world country; everyone running around like chickens w/their heads cut off.

I put the word verification thing on there because I kept getting "comments" that were really only advertisements. :(

I'll tell Brooke hello for you. :) And who is "Kane?" ;) I'll tell Cain you said good luck.

Love ya!