Friday, July 31, 2009


Thank goodness I carry more than one camera because it's REALLY hard to shoot a subject that sits on your camera and not where he should sit. :) This is an Eastern-tailed Blue butterfly and they are just about my favorites. They're beautiful with their wings closed, and you can see what they look like with their wings open when you click HERE for one of my photos on flickr. That one that you see there (and on flickr) is a male.

We spent most of the afternoon trying to watch Benjamin Button. Marshall kept getting phone calls and kept pausing the movie which was making an already-long movie even longer. So far I'm really enjoying the movie, and I LOVE all the period furniture and decorations in the film. I think I'm more interested in that than what's going on in the movie. Anyway, we're having a REALLY long intermission and will finish the movie tomorrow. :)

We went to a hotdog roast at my sister-in-law's house tonight and we had a great time. In fact, we are just getting home. I really enjoyed being with my family. :)

Hope your day was a good one.

1 comment:

Val Ewing said...

Oh how funny we roasted hot dogs yesterday before work!

No time for movies though as we had a busy day and work last night.

Was Benjamin Button a good movie?